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15 ;" " 9 y;" for the next question " 9 x;"SPACE"; 8 x;"ENTER"; 5 y;" to rerun thisprogramme" 5 y;" to goto BASIC" 5 y;" to auto-load programme "; 5 y;" please try again " 5 y;" Please try again" 5 y;" " 5 x;"Undefined key?"; 5 x;"Undefined key please re-select" 5 x;"Undefined Key ?"; 5 x;"Press y to return to BASIC"''"Press any other key to abort" 5 x;"Press r then ENTER"; 5 x;"Press n then ENTER"; 5 x;"Press b then ENTER"; 5 x;"Please select your answer"; 5 x;" Press any key to continue "; 5 k$=k$+i$(n) 5 f$="End of "+h$: 5 f$="CORRECT": 5 f$=" STOP THE TAPE ": 5 f$=" START THE TAPE ": 5 e;"e) ";e$ 5 d;"d) ";d$ 5 c;"c) ";c$ 5 b;"b) ";b$ 5 a;"a) ";a$ 5 UDG 5 ;"THIS PROGRAMME" 5 ;"RETURNING TO BASIC DESTROYS"; 5 ;"Programme Content" 5 ;"Please leave tape running" 5 ;"AND TESTS": 5 ;" PHYSICS EXAMINATION PRACTICE"; 5 CELTIC REVISION SOFTWARE" 4 y;" to rerun this question" 4 y;" for answer explanation" 4 x;"Wrong-Correct answer is ";w$;" ";: 4 x;"Answer explanation follows";: 4 ques,a$,b$,c$,d$,e$,w$,s 4 ,"The number of complete vibrations occurring in 1 second","One in which vibration takes place in the same direction as the wave is travelling","The distance between two successive points in the wave that are in the same state of vibration","One in which the vibration takes place in a plane at right angles to the direction in which the wave is travelling" 3 "Space around a magnet wheremagnetic effects (eg orientationof a compass) are found" 3 "Production of an e.m.f. in a conductor when the conductor cuts across lines of magnetic force" 3 "Angle between the magnetic and geographic meridians" 3 CELTIC REVISION SOFTWARE 2 f$="Simplify": 2 f$="Cancel ": 2 ;"[";s(k);" marks]" 2 ;"60 x 60" 2 ;"4.5 x 400"' 2 ,"b) 5 amps" 2 ,"Angle between the direction of the earth's magnetic field and the horizontal" 2 '"Cost of 1000 watts for 400s is" 2 "It is represented by:"' 2 "Cost of 1000 watts for 1hr= 4.5p" 2 "A force of 0.24 newtons acts on an object of mass 250g." 2 "1 Sodium"," 4 Water","2 Sodium chloride 5 Ethanol","3 Copper"," 6 Benzene" 1 x;"Wrong-Correct answer is ";w$(k);" ";: 1 x;"Time allowed - 1hr 30min." 1 x;"Press y for yes"''"Any other key for no." 1 x;"INSTRUCTIONS" 1 x;"Answer all questions" 1 tests 1 section 8F 1 section 8 1 section 7F 1 section 7 *6 1 section 6F 1 section 6 1 section 5 1 mark=mark+s(k) 1 kw","8.0x10 1 kw","2.5x10 1 f$="Use Ohm's law to calculate the cell e.m.f.": 1 f$="Calculate the resistance for thecircuit": 1 f$="Calculate the cost of the electricity used.": 1 e;"e) A point on a stationary wave where there is no displacement": 1 e;"e) 30.5 volts" 1 directionsF 1 d;"d) A measure of the sound energythe note produces and its volume" 1 cm or less." 1 ccebadbbaaeededabbedbcbcadebbccbdae 1 c;"c) A measure of the frequency of a note" 1 c;"c) 3.5 amps"; 1 b;"b) Formed by the reflection of asound wave by a boundary so thattwo waves travel through the medium in opposite directions producing stationary loops asa result of interference" 1 a;"a) Formed by the reflection of sound waves by the surroundings so that the sound returns to itssource" 1 a;"a) 6 amps"; 1 a;" V"'"a) I = 1 a$,b$,c$,d$,e$ 1 Space around a magnet wheremagnetic effects (eg orientationof a compass) are foundCb 1 Section 8L 1 Section 7L 1 Section 6L 1 Section 5L 1 Production of an e.m.f. in a conductor when the conductor cuts across lines of magnetic forceD6 1 M.G. Fincher 1 Direction of the force on the north pole of a magnet such as a compass needleW 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 C","water expands when heated from 0 1 C","the maximum density of water occurs at 4 1 C to"'"steam at 100 1 C to boiling point."'"16% of the energy supplied is wasted." 1 C is transferred to a well lagged aluminium"'"calorimeter of mass 120g"'"containing 100g water at 15 1 C andat a pressure of 750mm Hg is:" 1 C and a pressure of 770mm Hg is 250cm 1 Angle between the magnetic and geographic meridiansEP 1 Angle between the direction of the earth's magnetic field and the horizontalBT 1 ;"soft"'"sound" 1 ;"reflected"; 1 ;"part(ii)": 1 ;"part(i)": 1 ;"part (ii) ";w$(n+1 1 ;"part (i) ";w$(n),"Q";q; 1 ;"loud"'"sound" 1 ;"incident"; 1 ;"d) I = 1 ;"b) IV = R" 1 ;"and Nuclear Physics": 1 ;"and Magnetism": 1 ;"[J=4.2 joules"; 1 ;"You obtained ";mark;" %" 1 ;"V = I x R" 1 ;"V = 6 x 5 1 ;"The wavelength of a sound wave is the distance between two"'"successive points in the wave that are in the same state of vibration." 1 ;"The total current is the sum of the currents through each resistor."' 1 ;"The potential difference across the circuit is:" 1 ;"The energy supplied to the kettle is" 1 ;"The e.m.f. of"'"each cell is:": 1 ;"The current through the 5 ohm resistor is:" 1 ;"The current through the 3 ohm resistor is:" 1 ;"The current used by the kettle is:": 1 ;"Re 3 7 21" 1 ;"Re 21" 1 ;"Rc 35" 1 ;"R"'"c) V = 1 ;"N N N N" 1 ;"MOCK EXAMINATION" 1 ;"If one kilowatt-hour costs 4.5p,the cost of boiling the water is" 1 ;"I"'"e) R = 1 ;"I x 5 = (6-I) x 7"'' 1 ;"H or p"' 1 ;"Electricty": 1 ;"Electricity continued"'' 1 ;"Current through 5 1 ;"Atomic Structure"'' 1 ;"ANSWERS": 1 ;"A 12 volt"'"battery with"'"an internal"'"resistance"'"of 0.125 1 ;"A A A"; 1 ;"= 0.5 p" 1 ;"6"'"electrons and:": 1 ;"5I = 42 - 7I" 1 ;"35 11"' 1 ;"250"'"or I = 1 ;"235 1 236"' 1 ;"20 sample test questions": 1 ;"15 x 60" 1 ;"14"'"An atom of the isotope C has 6"' 1 ;"12","12" 1 ;"12 12" 1 ;"11","11"'" = 3+2 1 ;"1000"'"or I = 1 ;"1 1 1 1"' 1 ;"1 12"' 1 ;"1 10"; 1 ;"1 1 1 7+3"' 1 ;"0.6+2.1" 1 ;"0 4 10 15" 1 ;" per cal.]": 1 ;" 92 0 92" 1 ;" At the beginning of SIDE ONE.": 1 ;" 30 "' 1 ;" U + n 1 ;" 450 "' 1 ;" R"''"Where E is the e.m.f. for the cells, R is the total resistancefor the circuit and I is the current flowing in the circuit" 1 84 secondsE 1 56 secondsI 1 42 secondsD 1 326 secondsB 1 21 secondsC 1 ."''"His kinetic energy is:" 1 ,"the time in which the mass of the substance is halved by radioactive decay","the number of atoms decaying in unit time","the time for half the atoms in the substance to disintegrate" 1 ,"electrons","helium nuclei","isotopes","X-rays","electromagnetic radiation","b",3530 1 ,"electrolysis","electromagnetic induction","oxidation","polarization","conduction","d",2530 1 ,"d) 90 volts" 1 ,"d) 7 amps"'"e) 2.5 amps" 1 ,"b) 40.5 volts" 1 ,"atomic number","relative atomic mass","atomicity","valency","oxidation number","a",3030 1 ,"The number of complete vibrations occurring in 1 second","One in which vibration takes place in the same direction as the wave is travelling","The distance between two successive points in the wave that are in the same state of vibration","One in which the vibration takes place in a plane at right angles to the direction in which the wave is travelling","The production of forced vibrations of maximum amplitude in an object","b",2530 1 ,"Angle between the direction of the earth's magnetic field and the horizontal" 1 ,"4.50p","0.25p","2.25p","0.50p","0.42p","d",5540 1 ,"2 and 4 only","2, 4 and 5 only","5 and 6 only","2, 3 and 5 only","4, 5 and 6 only","a",3030 1 ,"2 and 4 only","1 and 3 only","5 and 6 only","2, 3 and 5 only","4, 5 and 6 only","b",2530 1 ,"1.8 volts","0.9 volts","4.05 volts","1.35 volts","3.15 volts","d",3640 1 ,"1 and 4 only","2 and 5 only","2, 3 and 5 only","1, 3, 4 and 5 only","all of them","d",4540 1 ,"1 and 3 only","2 and 4 only","1 and 5 only","2,3 and 4 only","1,2 and 5 only","e",2540 1 ,"1 and 2 only","3 and 4 only","1 and 4 only","2 and 3 only","all of them","e",3040 1 ,"0.96 amps","1.04 amps","2.1 amps","2.5 amps","1.25 amps","b",4030 1 ,"0.24 amps","4.8 amps","4.17 amps","1.0 amps","2.8 amps","c",4530 1 ,"","","","","","e",7070 1 ,"","","","","","e",5090 1 ,"","","","","","d",5570 1 ,"","","","","","c",5070 1 ,"","","","","","c",4560 1 ,"","","","","","b",6570 1 ,"","","","","","a",6070 1 ,"","","","","","a",4260 1 ,"","","","","","a",3560 1 ). They may penetrate aluminium foil." 1 ''"What does"'"the graph"'"show?" 1 ''"The distance the object moves from rest in 1 ''"In an atom,"''"The number of electrons equals the number of protons." 1 ''" 144 90 1"'" Ba + Kr + 2 n + Energy"'" 56 36 0" 1 '"Velocity of sound in air=336ms 1 '"Time taken to boil the water is"''" 4x10 1 '"The time taken in hours is:": 1 '"The size of the image formed is:" 1 '"The outer electrons of atoms arepictured as being free to move in the structure. When a voltageis applied to the ends of the metal the free electrons travel towards the positive end."''"An electric current passing through a metal wire is a flow of electrons." 1 '"The kettle has a power rating of1000 watts"''"By definition"'"one Watt = one Joule per second" 1 '"The frequency of the vibrating fork is:" 1 '"The distance of the image from the lens is:" 1 '"The acceleration acting on the body is:" 1 '"Ohm's Law gives:"'' 1 '"Magnetic declination is the angle between the magnetic and geographic meridians." 1 '"Its density in kgm 1 '"Equating p.d.'s" 1 '"Current through 5 ohm resistor = 3.5 amps" 1 '"An antinode is a point on a"'"stationary wave at which"'"displacement is a maximum." 1 '"An electron has a negligible mass and a charge of -e." 1 '"A proton has a mass number of 1 and a charge of +e." 1 '"A neutron has a mass number of 1and a charge of 0." 1 '"A kettle rated at 1000 watts is used on a 240 volt supply."'"It is used to raise the temperature of 1000g of water from 20 1 '"1 at a definite temperature"'"2 at all pressures"'"3 throughout the body of the liquid"'"4 when the vapour pressure of the liquid equals atmospheric pressure"'"5 only at the liquid's surface " 1 "watts = volts x amps"''" 1 "water is a poor conductor of heat","the water is impure","water freezes at 0 1 "the time for the number of atoms in the substance to double due to radioactive decay","the loss of mass in unit time due to radioactive decay","c",4040 1 "mass of empty density bottle=20g"'"mass of bottle + water =45g"'"mass of bottle + liquid =47g" 1 "c) 95 volts"; 1 "c) 3.5 amps","d) 7 amps"'"e) 2.5 amps" 1 "c","c","e","b","a","d","b","b","a","a","e","e","d","e","d","a","b","b","e","d","b","c","b","c","a","d","e","b","b","c","c","b","d","a","e" 1 "all blue","black rose, blue background","mauve rose, black background","mauve rose, blue background","all black" 1 "a) 6 amps"; 1 "a) 10 volts"; 1 "Zinc metal passes into solution" 1 "X-rays originate from energy changes associated with the electronic structure of atomsand have very short wavelengths of 10 1 "Which properties make mercury suitable to use in thermometers?" 1 "Which of the following occur in a nuclear reactor?" 1 "Which of the following occur when zinc metal is added to"'"copper(ii) sulphate solution?" 1 "Which of the following are true?"''"1 Angle of dip is the angle between the horizontal and the resultant earth's magnetic field" 1 "Which of the following are true of the image formed by a plane mirror?"'"The image:" 1 "Which of the following are true of boiling?"'"It occurs:" 1 "Which of the following are conductors of electricity and are not decomposed by the current?" 1 "Which of the following"'"are electrolytes?" 1 "When a current is passed throughwater using platinum electrodes hydrogen is formed at the cathode and oxygen at the anode.Electrolysis takes place more readily if a few drops of sulphuric acid are added." 1 "Variation of Vol"'"Water Volume"'"With Temp." 1 "Uranium-235 splits into isotopesof barium and krypton, much"'"energy being given out" 1 "Transverse wave motion is:" 1 "Transverse wave motion is one inwhich each vibration takes placein a plane at right angles to the direction in which the wave is travelling." 1 "To use this test as a mock examination the answers are displayed at the end of the testotherwise the answers appear after each question." 1 "Three cells, internal resistance0.2 ohm, are connected in seriesand in series with a parallel combination of 3 ohm and 7 ohm resistances."'"An ammeter of negligable"'"resistance connected in series with the cells reads 1.5 amps" 1 "Three cells, internal resistance0.2 ohm, are connected in seriesand then in series with a parallel combination of 3 ohmand 7 ohm resistors."'"An ammeter of negligible"'"resistance connected in series with the cells reads 1.5 amps" 1 "This chain reaction is more"'"efficient if the neutrons are slowed down by a moderator such as graphite or heavy water."'"Such reactors are called thermalreactors." 1 "Therefore the e.m.f. for each cell is:"''" 1.5x2.7"'" 1 "The watt is the rate of working of one joule per second" 1 "The volume of a gas at 13 1 "The velocity of electromagnetic waves in free space is 3x10 1 "The total heat required to"'"change 3g of ice at -4 1 "The specific heat capacities of aluminium, copper and water are 900, 400, and 4200J kg 1 "The resistance is given by the equation:"'' 1 "The relative density of the"'"liquid is:" 1 "The relative densities of ice and sea-water are 0.92 and 1.025respectively."''"The fraction of an iceberg belowthe surface of the sea is:" 1 "The radioactive level of thoron falls to one-eighth of its"'"original value in 168 seconds."''"The half life of the element is:": 1 "The production of forced vibrations of maximum amplitude in an object","e",4540 1 "The production of forced vibrations of maximum amplitude in an object","d",3040 1 "The production of forced vibrations of maximum amplitude in an object","c",3540 1 "The production of forced vibrations of maximum amplitude in an object","a",4040 1 "The power wasted as internal energy is:": 1 "The potential difference is the sum of the p.d.'s across eachresistor"'' 1 "The potential difference is the same for all the resistors." 1 "The pitch of a note is:": 1 "The pitch of a note is a measureof the frequency of a note. The higher the pitch, the higher thefrequency of the note." 1 "The linear expansivity of a"'"metal = 0.000018k 1 "The intensity of a note is:" 1 "The intensity of a note is a measure of the sound energy the note produces and the loudness of it. The intensity of the noteis directly proportional to the square of the amplitude of the vibration." 1 "The half life of a radioactive isotope is:" 1 "The half life may be very short (a fraction of a second) or verylong (millions of years)." 1 "The frequency of a sound wave isthe number of complete vibrations occurring in one second." 1 "The frequency of a sound wave is" 1 "The following results were"'"obtained in an experiment:" 1 "The direction of a magnetic field is defined as the direction of the force on the north pole of a magnet such as a compass needle." 1 "The current used by a 250 watt lamp if the mains voltage is 240 volts is:" 1 "The current divides between the two resistors. If the current through the 5 ohm resistor is I amps, the current through the 7 ohm resistor is 6-I amps" 1 "The angle of dip or inclination is the angle between the direction of the earth's magnetic field and the horizontal." 1 "The angle of dip or inclinationis:" 1 "The refractive index of a"'"material is 1.65."''"The critical angle for this material is:" 1 "The position of an element in the Periodic Table is determined by its" 1 "The direction of a magnetic field is defined as the" 1 "The current through all the resistors is the same."''"The total resistance is the sum of all resistors."'' 1 "The atomic number (Z) of an element is numerically equal to the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom." 1 "Tests","directions",35 1 "Specific latent"'"heat of ice = 336 Jg 1 "Specific heat"'"capacity of ice = 2.1 Jg 1 "Sound produced at X is reflectedby the wall." 1 "Section 8","tests",5 1 "Section 7","section 8",10 1 "Section 6","section 7",6 1 "Section 5","section 6",10 1 "Resonance is:" 1 "Resonance is the production of forced vibrations of maximum amplitude in an object." 1 "Resistors in series" 1 "Resistors in parallel" 1 "Resistance for the circuit"'' 1 "Resistance of the parallel combination, Rc, is given by" 1 "Q5,6 & 7 refer to the following" 1 "Power, P = IV watts"''" 1 "Power of 10kw is transmitted through a cable of internal"'"resistance 0.5 ohms at 250,000 volts. " 1 "One coulomb deposits 0.00033g copper and the density of copperis 8.8g cm 1 "Ohm's law states E"' 1 "Metals are very good conductors of electricity. Metals have a giant structure of atoms." 1 "Many elements disintegrate underneutron bombardment - nuclear fission" 1 "Longitudinal wave motion is:" 1 "Longitudinal wave motion is one in which the vibration takes place in the same direction as the wave is travelling." 1 "It is represented by:"'' 1 "It is necessary to distinguish between the vibrations which produce the wave, and the wave itself, which is the energy"'"travelling along the medium."''"Sound waves are longitudinal." 1 "In fast reactors, the neutrons are not slowed down. The fuel isplutonium and the coolant is"'"liquid sodium." 1 "In a simple cell, plates of copper and zinc are placed in dilute sulphuric acid and connected externally by a wire. A current flows through the wirebut this decreases sharply because of:" 1 "In this cell, there is an overall potential difference of about 1 volt between the copper and the zinc, with the copper ata higher potential than the zinc" 1 "If the current = I amps"'"the voltage = V volts"'"the resistance = R ohms"''"Ohm's law states:" 1 "If the angle of declination is 9 1 "If one end of a rope is fixed and the other is jerked up and down, the vibrations are at right angles to the wave which travels along the rope." 1 "Gamma rays originate from energychanges in the nuclei of atoms." 1 "Gamma rays consist of"'"electromagnetic radiation."'"The radiation with very shortwavelengths is very penetrating and is only stopped by several centimetres of lead." 1 "From Q6 the energy needed to boil the water is 4x10 1 "For a sound wave, wavelength is:" 1 "For a given isotope, it is not affected by temperature changes,concentration, a catalyst or thepresence of any other element." 1 "Ethanol and benzene are not electrolytes and do not contain ions. They do not conduct electricity and are not decomposed by a current." 1 "Energy wasted = 16%"''"Energy absorbed = 84% of energy supplied" 1 "Energy supplied"''" 3.36x100"'" = 1 "Energy absorbed by water"''" = 1000x4.2(100-20)joules"'" = 1000x336"'" = 3.36x10 1 "Elementary particles that occur in an atom are:" 1 "Electromagnetic inducton is the production of an e.m.f. in aconductor when the conductor cuts across lines of magneticforce." 1 "Electromagnetic induction is:" 1 "Electrolysis of molten sodium chloride with carbon electrodes yields sodium at the cathode andchlorine at the anode." 1 "Effective resistance (Re) of theparallel combination of 5 ohms and 7 ohms is given by: "'' 1 "Do you wish to use this test as a mock examination? "''; 1 "Direction of the force on the north pole of a magnet such as a compass needle","e",6070 1 "Direction of the force on the north pole of a magnet such as a compass needle","c",7070 1 "Direction of the force on the north pole of a magnet such as a compass needle","a",6570 1 "Current through 7 ohm resistor = 6 - 3.5 = 2.5 amps" 1 "Copper metal is deposited" 1 "Bubbles of hydrogen gas form on the copper plate, keeping it outof contact with the acid and thecurrent stops. When the cell stops working it is said to be polarized." 1 "Beta decay changes an element into one with similar chemical properties to those of an element one place later in the periodic table." 1 "Beta rays are streams of highenergy electrons similar to cathode rays. They are emitted with variable velocities and mayapproach the velocity of light (3x10 1 "An object of mass 40kg lies on asurface which is inclined at an angle of 30 1 "An object 2cm high is placed at right angles to the principal axis of a diverging lens and at 50cm from it."'"The focal length of the lens is 30cm." 1 "An object 2cm high is placed at right angles to the principal axis of a diverging lens and at 50cm from it."'"The focal length of the lens is 30cm. " 1 "An electrolyte is a substance which, in solution or when molten, allows an electrical current to pass through it and is decomposed by the current. The products are formed at the electrodes. Electrolytes form ions." 1 "An echo is:" 1 "An article, total surface area 250cm 1 "An echo is formed by the reflection of sound waves by thesurroundings so that the sound returns to its source." 1 "Alpha decay changes an element into one with similar chemical properties to those of an element two places earlier in the periodic table." 1 "Alpha rays are:" 1 "Alpha rays are helium atoms which have lost their two orbital electrons and have a netpositive charge. They have ashort range and are stopped by thin metal foil or paper." 1 "All vibrating systems have a natural frequency of vibration. Resonance is set up by a vibrating body, such as a tuningfork, vibrating with a frequencyequal to that of the natural frequency of the system." 1 "All the current passes through the 3 ohm resistor." 1 "A uniform metre rule is pivoted on the 30cm mark. It balances when a mass of 80g is hung from the 4cm mark."''"The mass of the rule is:" 1 "A stationary wave is:" 1 "A stationary wave is formed by the reflection of a sound wave by a boundary so that two waves travel through the medium in opposite directions producing stationary loops as a result of interference." 1 "A simplified picture of an atom is a central nucleus containing protons and neutrons, with electrons spinning around the nucleus" 1 "A red rose on a white sheet of paper is illuminated by blue light."''"An observer sees:" 1 "A piece of copper of mass 200g at 100 1 "A piece of coal has a mass of 30g and a volume of 16cm 1 "A node is:" 1 "A mass of 4kg slides 0.2m down asurface inclined at 30 1 "A manometer containing water is used to measure the pressure of a gas supply. One arm of the U-tube is open and the other armis connected to the gas supply. The difference between the waterlevels in the two arms is 16cm."''"The pressure of the gas supply above atmospheric pressure in Nm 1 "A man, of mass 75kg, runs at a speed of 4ms 1 "A lamp is marked 240v, 60w."''"The resistance of the lamp is:" 1 "A lamp is marked 240v, 60w."''"The current used by the lamp is:" 1 "A fork vibrates close to the open end of a resonance tube."'"The shortest length for"'"resonance is 0.14m and the next position is 0.39m."'"The velocity of sound in air is 336ms 1 "A boy stands on a beach some"'"distance from the base of a"'"vertical cliff. He shouts and hears the echo of his voice 0.5 seconds later." 1 "A boy pulls a wheelbarrow for 12m with a force of 90 newtons."'"The work done is:" 1 "A node is a point on a stationary wave at which there is no displacement." 1 "86.4m","864m","432m","108m","54m" 1 "8 appears to be as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of it" 1 "75 joules","750 joules","108 joules","1500 joules","1080 joules" 1 "672m","500m","168m","84m","336m" 1 "672 Hz","168 Hz","250 Hz","840 Hz","420 Hz" 1 "6 protons, 8 neutrons","7 protons, 7 neutrons","8 protons, 6 neutrons","0 protons, 14 neutrons","14 protons, 0 neutrons" 1 "6 is laterally inverted"'"7 is the same size as the object" 1 "5 ohm and 7 ohm resistors are connected in parallel and then in series with a 3 ohm resistor.A current of 6 amps is passed through the circuit." 1 "400 joules","250 joules","40 joules","4 joules","20 joules" 1 "4 ohms","60 ohms","960 ohms","480 ohms","240 ohms" 1 "4 it is sensitive to small"'" changes of temperature"'"5 it expands uniformly over a wide range of temperature"'"6 it is liquid over a wide range of temperature" 1 "4 Angle of dip=0 1 "37.5cm","18.75cm","9.38cm","60cm","75cm" 1 "326 seconds","21 seconds","42 seconds","84 seconds","56 seconds" 1 "3022 J","9073 J","1285 J","7807 J","2602 J" 1 "3 is upright","4 is diminished","5 is inverted" 1 "29.64","49.4","296.4","74.1","16.3" 1 "2000K","2500K","100K","400K","200K" 1 "2.67cm","1.33cm","0.75cm","5.34cm","1.50cm" 1 "2 and 5 only","1, 3 and 4 only","1, 2 and 5 only","2, 3 and 5 only","3 and 4 only" 1 "2 Angle of declination is the angle between magnetic and geographic meridians"'"3 Angle of dip=90 1 "1600","800","100","240","600" 1 "150 joules","600 joules","300 joules","1200 joules","450 joules" 1 "104g","62g","41.6g","124g","69.3g" 1 "100N","200N","346.6N","400N","34.7N" 1 "1.875","1875","187.5","53.3","533" 1 "1.875 amps","1 amp","1.125 amps","2 amps","3 amps" 1 "1.08",".108","0.93","0.5","1.04" 1 "1,4,8 only","2,4,5 only","1,4,5,7 only","2,5,6,7 only","1,3,6,7,8 only" 1 "1, 5 and 6 only","1, 2 and 4 only","3, 4 and 6 only","2, 3 and 5 only","all of them" 1 "1, 2 only","3, 4 only","1, 3 only","2, 4 only","all of them" 1 "1 it does not wet glass"'"2 it is opaque and easily seen"'"3 it is a good conductor of heat" 1 "1 is virtual","2 is real" 1 "1 Zinc sulphate is formed"'"2 Copper is deposited"'"3 Zinc metal passes into"'" solution"'"4 Electrons are transferred from zinc atoms to copper ions" 1 "1 energy is obtained by nuclear fission ","2 energy is obtained by nuclear fusion","3 a moderator is needed to slow down the neutrons","4 a controlled chain reaction occurs "'"5 the energy is extracted from the nuclear pile as heat" 1 "1 Electrons","2 Protons"''"3 Ions","4 Isotopes"''"5 Neutrons" 1 "1 1 1 1 1 7+5"'" 1 "0.943","0.105","0.1024","0.945","0.8976" 1 "0.5 amps","0.25 amps","4 amps","2 amps","2.5 amps" 1 "0.04kw","0.05kw","2x10 1 "(Hydrogen may also be produced at the zinc plate because of theaction between the metal and acid. This occurs because the zinc may be impure. See also question 10 in section 1)" 1 "''"The volume of the gas at 0 1 "''"The frequency of a radio wave ofwavelength 120m is:" 1 "''"The distance of the boy from thecliff is:" 1 "'"respectively."''"The final steady temperature is:" 1 "'"The diameter of a hole in a"'"plate of the metal is 10.000mm"''"Through what temperature must the plate be heated so that the hole will just slip over a"'"spindle of diameter 10.036mm?" 1 "'"Specific latent"'"heat of steam = 2260 Jg 1 "'"Specific heat"'"capacity of water = 4.2 Jg 1 "'" R" 1 " 71 71"'"= 6x 1 to the horizontal. It is kept in place by a string."''"The tension in the string is:"'," [g=10ms 1 to the horizontal."''"The work done is:"'," [g=10ms 1 resistor is:" 1 minute is:" 1 joules","b",5040 1 is:"'," [g=10ms 1 is"'"connected as"'"shown." 1 is to be covered with a layer of copper 0.04cm thick using a current of 1.5amps." 1 at the equator" 1 Re = 2.1 ohms"'''"Resistance of cells"''" = 3 x 0.2 = 0.6 ohms" 1 Hz","3.6x10 1 Hz","2x10 1 Hz","25x10 1 Hz","2.5x10 1 Ethe true bearing is:" 1 E and a compass reads N 40 1 CELTIC REVISION SOFTWARE< 1 CELTIC REVISION SOFTWARE8 1 = 3.5 amps"' 1 = 0.5x2.7 = 1.35 volts"'" 3" 1 250 = 240 x I"'' 1 1000 = 400 seconds" 1 joules","4.2x10 1 joules","4.0x10 1 joules","3.36x10 1 joules","2.5x10 1 at the magnetic poles" 1 or E = 1.5x2.7"' 1 = 4.17 amps"' 1 = 30.5 volts"'" 12 2" 1 = 1.04 amps"' 1 1000 = I x 240" 1 5 7 35"